Electric Aircraft 2025 Hotel Fera Anaheim, Orange County, California, USA, Orange
Market fundamentals for next-generation electric aviation technologies
Recognize the key market drivers for the electric aircraft industry globally and explore the opportunities for commercialization of the associated technologies.
Latest research in RAM electric and hybrid propulsion technologies
Evaluate the breakthroughs in designing safe electric and hybrid propulsion systems with fixed-wing and rotary-wing technologies.
Real-world applications of urban e-aviation commercialization
Understand the current developments in electric urban aviation, use cases of air taxis and last-mile logistics services and their commercialization.
Exploring AAM innovations advancing autonomous flights
Discover new opportunities and build the business case for adopting innovative recycling and reuse strategies to promote a circular and sustainable economy.
Advancements in battery and hybrid designs for extended aviation range
Gain insights on high-energy density battery technologies as well as hybrid propulsions for handling take-off thrust and flying longer distances.
Upcoming safety standards and regulations in electric aviation